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Rental apartment in Moscow with elite real estate market

Each newcomer intending to rent apartments in Moscow cherish in his mind a unique inimitable image of cozy lodging, embodiment of well-known proverb "my home is my castle", some kind of refuge and shelter in the chaos of urban life, peace and conciliation island. It stands to reason that coziness has rather varied and sometimes contradictory shapes. It's not an uncommon goal to define the shape of this cherished image ... It happens quite frequently that a client is clueless about the image of his temporary house. But there is nothing more constant than so called temporary residence! One can move to Moscow for half a year and to stay for three years, if not for a whole life. Chaos and mess of metropolitan life seems to someone wearisome and fatiguing, and someone will be charmed by many-sided, varicolored and garishly sparkling splendor of Moscow life. In that way a short term business trip will turn to the life-long voyage.

Hedonistic bon viv?nt, metropolitan dandy will prefer Moscow apartments in a-list residential skyscrapers with fenced professionally guarded territory, well-developed infrastructure and all facilities for comfortable dwelling "going with the times". He is likely to show interest in such a residential complexes as "Aluye Parusa", "Vorobievy Gory", "Mirax Park", "Korona", "Zolotiye Kluchi - 2", "Sozvezdie Kapital", "Camelot", "Dve Bashni "and so on. The lovers of unconventional interiors in Zen style, ascetic austere elements of traditional Japanese lodging will find apartments synthesizing esthetic elements of western and Japanese cultures.

Moscow real estate market is interactive. Not long ago the segment of exclusive real estate essentially was focused on the two categories of lessees and buyers. The first category went by the customers preferring unobtrusive style of modern classic and of neutral modern with modest hi-tech elements. Along with apartments with moderate modern interiors Moscow real estate market abounded in eclectic boudoirs decorated with oriental elements mixed up with Empire style. The most important criterion of apartment value was the finishing quantity. Unique designer's extravagances and dainties were not even mentioned at that time. From now on advertising magazines abounds in variety of designer's solutions. Respectable gentlemen, lovers of high-standard interiors, refined expressions of exquisite contrasts will find apartments furnished with Versace sets. The lovers of avant-garde and Japanese interiors in western contemporary interpretation will appreciate at its true value the apartments in the manner of minimalist installations. Moscow offers real estate for everyone, it's a fair remark! There is a lack of exclusive realty - a fair remark as well. Moscow designers are in the initial stage of creative craftsmanship conceiving. Anyway their undertakings are of great promise, and soon the market will be filled up with new splendid real estate objects.

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